Family Friends Pet Care LLC Kansas City, MO, Pet Sitting Service Family Friends Pet Care LLC was born of a love for animals and a desire to be of service to others. We provide loving in home pet care.
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Claws N Paws Luv N Kare Claws N Paws Luv N Kare We Provide Pet Sitting Service In Alexandria, VA
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Carrie K9 Pet Care Carrie K9 Pet Care We provide a home pet sitting service in Lake In The Hills offering a fantastic selection of services for your pet to be as comfortable as possible and enjoy time while you are away. We believe that our pets are part of the family and deserve the care and love their own families would give. So, give us a call and treat your pet to a little luxury; they will love you for it.
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Kathy's Kats and Kanine Kare Kathleen Galan - owner and pet care professional We Provided Mid-day dog walks & Pet Transportation Servises in Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Leucadia,
Olivenhain, & Solana Beach
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Lexington Area Pet Sitting Belvie Gilleland Pet Sitting Service
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Priority Pets Pet Sitting Pet Sitting Gives you peace of mind, knowing that your pet will be cared for and your house will be looked after by a professional while you're away. Pets are happier & healthier in their own home environment
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Paw 2 Paw Roanoke Pet Sitting Paw 2 Paw Roanoke Pet Sitting Why call Paw 2 Paw Pet Sitting? We are professionals so you don’t have to worry about us forgetting to visit or being unable to handle your pet’s needs. Peace of mind for you and your pet is our goal. That’s why we became certified in Pet First Aid and CPR. Finally, we are passionate.
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Woody's Pet Watch Professional Pet Sitter in the Omaha, Nebraska area. Woody's Pet Watch is certified by the American Red Cross in "Pet First Aid" and is certified as a "Professional Pet Sitter" with the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS).
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Saint Georges Pet Sitting Saint Georges Pet Sitting, DE 19733 "While the owner's away the dogs still play"
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AZ PET SERVICES, LLC "Comfort for your Pets, Security for your Home!" Established in 2004, we are a Professional Pet Sitting Company. Bonded. Insured. Accredited by PSI. Pet CPR & First Aid Certified. Customized visits, overnights, live-ins.
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57 Shrublands Ave Shirley, Croydon CR0 8JD England | |
Animal House Animal Care Animal Care Service Licensed, insured and Bonded pet sitter/dog walker, runner, hiker/Photographer/Groomer/Etc.
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Carol's cows to kittens pet sittin' Pet Sitting Service, PA Carol's cows to kittens pet sittin'
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A Better Way Pet Care Emily Davenport Pet Sitting Service
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Julies Pet Care Julie's Pet Sitting Insured - References - Pet 1st Aid Cert.
Member of Pet Sitters Associates, LLC
"Quality Pet Care for Less"
Service area - Tustin, Irvine, Shady Canyon and Newport Beach
1hr Visits, Overnights
Pink Paws Personalized Pet Sitting Pet Sitting, MA Pink Paws Personalized Pet Sitting
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Cars Critter Sitting Service Critter Sitting Service, MD I also provide services on a daily basis for those owners that work long hours or have pets that just need that mid-day break. I offer mid-day visits to clients for potty breaks, especially helpful for those puppies and senior dogs in your life.
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Critter Sitter of Cary~Home Pet Sitting~There's No Place Like Home There's No Place Like Home~Home Pet Sitting Services~Serving Cary & Morrisville, NC Critter Sitter of Cary, NC
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Homefront Pet Care Services Frieda Cox Pet Sitting Service
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Paw Pals Pet Sitting Service Paw Pals Pet Sitting Service Licensed, bonded and insured. Member of Pet Sitters International. 30 years of Veterinary service. Have been in business for 3 years. I service Port Charlotte and North Port.
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Lake View Pet Sitters Love, security and ... FUN ! Whether it's a mid-day walk or long vacation, we offer a customized pet care program in the comfort of your home.
Serving the Roane County area.
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Schuppe - DuBuque Unique Hermiston Pet Sitting Service
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Very Important Pets of Georgia A Fabulous Little Service … For Pets and Their Parents Pet Sitting Service
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Sue's Critter Care Sue's Critter Care We Provides Pet Sitting Services in Lake Conroe Area and Montgomery, TX
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Solutions! Pet Services Solutions! Pet Services Dog training became my calling after realizing how many animals were euthanized each year in shelters; many because their owners couldn't deal with problem behavior. Behavior which often could have been fixed with the proper guidance from a professional
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